Kansas Local Food Producer/ Farmers Market vendor workshop

Kansas Local Food Producer/ Farmers Market vendor workshop

Breakout 1:Intro to High Tunnels – Cary Rivard, K-State Research and ExtensionSales Tax in Kansas – Lisa Leikam-Jones, KDORBreakout 2:Regulations for Selling Meat and Poultry – Mike Pierce, KDADeveloping & Coaching New Vendors & Businesses at the Farmers’ Market – Luke SnowLunchMain Session: Update
on KDA and K-State Research and Extension support for producers selling
local foods; update on produce safety and produce grower inventory –
Robin Dolby, KDA; Londa Nwadike, K-State Research and Extension; Adam
Inman, KDABreakout 3:Accepting SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks at Farmers Markets – Donna Martin, MARC; Erin Bishop, K-State Research and ExtensionRegulations
for Selling Eggs and processed/prepared foods at Farmers Markets –
Holly Pishney, KDA; Karen Blakeslee, K-State Research and Extension
(resources provided by the Kansas Value Added Foods Lab)Breakout 4:Business Planning, Accounting and Record-Keeping – Tom Buller, Kansas Rural CenterKansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer Training – Courtney Koenig, KS Dept. of Health*Scale Certifications will happen! Bring your scale and read the FAQs section for more details.



Annually in February and March, we will be hosting regional Local Food Producer Workshops in collaboration with the Kansas Department of Agriculture and the Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture & Alternative Crops. These workshops are an opportunity for producers and small food businesses to learn more about selling their products through direct-to-consumers sales and other local market opportunities. Participants can connect with other producers and learn from their peers to improve their business success. 2024 Locations: